Analysis and Case Study of Power Transmission and Distribution


  • Raj Kumar Kaushik Assistant Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering, Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur.
  • Pragati Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur.


Power transmission and distribution, Power generation, conductors, sediment, erosion etc.


Power Transmission lines mold a pattern of the distribution and transmission networks which powers the whole country. The complete networks are equanimous of assets consisting; underground cables and overhead lines that connect substations containing switches, transformers, and control equipment. To prevent from propagation to other areas in the protective system are unpredicted faults that occur in the power system. The major task of the protective systems is to identify, then classify and finally determine the location of the faulty line of voltage or current line magnitudes. Adopting the latest hardware technologies can further improve the capabilities of the transmission system whereas software technologies system are required to coordinate with these hardware technologies safely, securely and effectively. The main purpose of this paper is to showcase an analytical review of the approaches in electrical power transmission and distribution systems.

How to cite this article:
Kaushik RK, Pragati. Analysis and Case Study of Power Transmission and Distribution. J Adv Res Power Electro Power Sys 2020; 7(2):1-3.

