Ethics in Human Resource Management: A Study of Ethical Hiring and Employee Selection
Ethics, Hiring, Anti-discrimination, Integrity, Gatekeepers, Human ResourceAbstract
The act of hiring a new employee may have significant repercussions for an organization on both the ethical and legal fronts. A survey of the current literature discovered various areas of importance for both academics and hiring managers and other employees. This was done with the intention of better identifying the concepts that impact employment selection ethics and hiring practices. Previous scholars have asserted that the concepts of moral duty, diversity, antidiscrimination, integrity, and employment justice all play a role in the hiring hiring anytime new people is being brought on board. Awareness and action in these areas will lead to motivating elements that may influence attitudes, while ethical hiring practices will be allowed to create the culture of the organization. This article provides a dichotomy of knowing that when organizations apply a stated ethical hiring criteria, employers are more likely to attract and hire ethical applicants. This dichotomy of knowledge is presented in the form of a paradox. This conception gives rise to the presumption that managers are required to fulfill the organization of ethical gatekeepers for the organizations to which they belong.
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