Policy Environment: The Obstacles to Effective Public Policy Implementations in Nigeria
public policy, society, efficacy, ecology, governance.Abstract
It is not a denying fact that public policy constitutes decisions and actions of government regarding issues and problems emanating from the society on either to act or not to act on them, it’s also constitutes how governmental goals are translates into policies for developmental purposed. In every part of the world, public policy affects the life of the populace directly or indirectly regarding the several arrays of actions or decisions taken by the government regarding public issues. However, efficacy in public policies implementations has not been achieved based on the factors affecting the ecology in which public policies is been carried out. This paper tries to examine the factors affecting ecology of public policy implementations in Nigeria because it’s a fundamental issue which could lead to failure in governance. The paper sourced is materials from secondary sources like journals, internet, articles and newspapers. After major findings, the paper concludes that proper policy formulation, proper consultation with the target group, equity, responsiveness, clear policy process and clear policy statement are part of the remedies that can lead to effective public policies implementations towards the attainment of the said goals and objectives.
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