A Framework for Improving Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industries through Productivity and Quality Improvement Methods
Competitiveness, Productivity, QualityAbstract
Competition is the hottest economic game nowadays because of growing realization regarding its extraordinarily close links with economic success in the market, resulting in economic growth and socioeconomic well-being of the people. The companies strive to become more competitive by pursuing practices to improve productivity, quality, technology, creativity, and flexibility. Competitiveness, productivity, and quality are complementary to one another. It is a matter of interest to identify the interrelationship amongst improvement programs/practices and enhancement in dimensions of competitiveness. Though a lot of work has been carried out by a number of researchers world over in these areas, the available literature does not report studies highlighting such interrelationships. A framework is proposed in this paper to establish the linkages between them. It is attempted to identify programs/practices popularly employed in industry, which may result in enhancement of specific components of competitiveness. A systematic research may be carried out to establish the links and evolve guidelines to diagnose organizational requirements for improvement in specific dimensions of competitiveness and the programs/ practices to be implemented for the purpose.
How to cite this article: Goraya A. A Framework for Improving Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industries through Productivity and Quality Improvement Methods. J Adv Res Qual Control Mgmt 2018; 3(1&2): 1-6.
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