Practices for Quality Management System Adopted in the Bridge Construction Projects of Kathmandu, Nepal
Control Methods, Necessary Measures, ISO StandardsAbstract
Quality management in the project has significant implication from an economic view as well as social point of view. Bridge construction project is located in the local road networks focus on many problems and complex issues among which can be effectively over run by quality management process. The objective of this research is to identify the best system for quality management in bridge construction project. This study is based on the questionnaire with the clients, consultant, contractor who are involved in Bridge construction project. A comprehensive literature review was deployed to generate a set of factors related to Quality management process. In total 84 questionnaires were distributed with the response rate 94.047% to the three key group of projects participants: Contractor, Consultancy and Clients. This involved study of 28 bridges of Local Road Bridge network of Kathmandu district which are in construction phase, completed phase under DoLIDAR, JICA, DDC, RAIDP, DRILP, and RTISWAP. The importance of the individual factors and the group are calculated and ranked by the irrelative important index. Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance and Quality Control ranked highest respectively as a part of quality management practices being followed in projects. The outcome of this study will document the quality management system and assist to improve the quality system of bridge construction project. It focuses to provide a tool and idea for quality management improvement for the sector. It will also assist the contractor, consultancy and clients in understanding the better practices for quality management system in bridge construction process.
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