Media as a fourth pillar of democracy needs to engage more issues that affect human development


  • GP Pandey Professor and Head, Department of Mass Communication, Assam University, Silchar.


Media, Media's role, Media's responsibility, Fourth pillar, Human development, Democracy


Media is an important and inseparable part of a democratic society. The
media is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy because often time's
people assume that the media is more neutral and freer from elements of state
power, in contrast with the previous three pillars which are all oriented to
power. In a democratic setup the media can act as a bridge between the
government and the people. Its true function is to inform the people, and the
measure of freedom it enjoys, depends upon the way it discharges that
function. The people have a right to be informed freely and fully, and for that
the media is accountable neither to the state, nor to the proprietor, but to the
people. The media, known as the fourth pillar of democracy, has a huge
impact on the society. The effects are of course, positive as well as negative.
Media is such a powerful tool that it literally governs the direction of our
society today. It is the propeller as well as the direction provider of the
society. Opinions can change overnight and celebrities can become infamous
with just one wave by the media. The media apts as a deterrent on corrupt
practices and keeps a check on the working of the government. But, sometimes
under political pressure, pressure of corporate entities, etc. the media
oversteps its avowed mandate. Media has significantly promoted social causes
like literacy. health management, anti-dowry practices, discouraging female
feticide, AIDS awareness, etc. As a fourth pillar of democracy, the media of
today has an all embracing role to act against the injustice, oppression,
misdeeds and partiality of our society. Thus. in a democratic society. the
media is charged with the responsibility to provide the public with
background information about the issues.

How to cite this article:
Pandey GP. Media as a Fourth Pillar of Democracy
Needs to Engage more Issues that Affect Human
Development. J Adv Res Jrnl Mass Comm 2020;
7(4): 15-20.


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How to Cite

GP Pandey. (2021). Media as a fourth pillar of democracy needs to engage more issues that affect human development. Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication, 7(4), 15-20. Retrieved from