Semiotic Analysis of Dalits Identity in Sarpatta Parambarai (2021)



Ambedkarism, Dalit ,Identity, Mise en scène, Political


Cinema is one of the oldest forms of entertainment. It was used as a medium of communication by one person who puts his ideas and thought for the world to see. There is a rise in the number of Dalit films and Dalit filmmakers, which is a welcome sight. visual representation of the Mise en scene in a frame plays a key role in strengthening the movie’s reality among the audience. The lighting & color tone, composition, costume, props, set design, of the objects in each frame, interpret the meaning to the audience. The researcher’s study is to analysis the movie Sarpatta parambarai (2021) through the variables found in the mise en scene,& to signify the narrative of the film. In this movie, Mise en scene analysed through signifiers, through Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of semiotics. This research paper uses a qualitative analysis method. To show cause and effect, to communicate the filmmaker tries to show in his film sarpatta parambarai (2021).

How to cite this article: Harish B. Semiotic Analysis of Dalits Identity in Sarpatta Parambarai (2021). J Adv Res Jrnl Mass Comm 2022; 9(3): 15-20.



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How to Cite

Harish, B. (2022). Semiotic Analysis of Dalits Identity in Sarpatta Parambarai (2021). Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication, 9(3), 15-20. Retrieved from