Positive and Negative Impact of TV programs on Children



The TV programs have positive and negative impact on children. They see many types of the programme on Idiot box and type of impact is depends on the type of the programs seen by the children. Therefore it is mandatory that parents should note that the which kind of the programs children are watching. What type of visualization and the level of language used in them. At the same time, parents also have to understand how TV programs affect children emotionally. Especially in such TV shows, programme, serials that have the involvement of magic, violence is maximized. Such programs have negative impact on children. As well
as watching these types of programs, the children start trying to adopt the views or things shown in these programs. They do not even know what type of risk they are facing. Like seeing a “shaktiman” serial, some children had jumped from top floor of the house and even died. Some times some positive programme create positive impact on children. In this research paper we will describe about positive and negative impact of the TV programme on the children.

How to cite this article: Rawat RK. Positive and Negative Impact of TV programs on children. J Adv Res Jour Mass Comm 2018; 5(1&2): 31-33.


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How to Cite

Rawat, R. K. (2018). Positive and Negative Impact of TV programs on Children. Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication, 5(1&2), 31-33. Retrieved from https://adrjournalshouse.com/index.php/Journalism-MassComm/article/view/656