Saul Bellow as a Humorist with Special Reference to ‘Humboldt’s Gift’



Saul Bellow was the Nobel Prize-winning American novelist. His chief novels include, ‘The Adventures of Augie March’, ‘Herzog’, ‘Humboldt’s Gift’ and most recently, ‘Ravelstein’. He is known for having captured the vitality of the American street and the hybrid energies of the immigrant-experiences in America; he did so in prose inimitable density and power. His influence on American fiction is nearly as reflective as boisterous as his prose. His novels seem to be posing the question of how you can be an intellectual and still live in this world. If in his Mr. ‘Sammler’s Planet’ there is not a clear answer, in ‘Humboldt’s Gift’, there seems to be: one can survive this world with humour and compassion. I think, there is so much of the martyr in Saul Bellow, due perhaps to his Jewish background, that in order to make his reading more palatable for the average reader, he needed to ameliorate his martyr complex with a lot of humour. His ‘Humboldt’s Gift’ is its fine example.

How to cite this article: Sinha A. Saul Bellow as a humorist with special reference to ‘Humboldt’s Gift’. J Adv Res Jrnl Mass Comm 2019; 6(4): 36-39.



Schopenhauer. The World as Will and Representation; Translated by E.F.J. Payne, [Dover Publications, New York, 1966]

Hazlitt W. Lectures on the English Comic Writers’, [Russel & Russel, New York, 1969]

Meredith G. An Essay on Comedy’. [John Hopkins University Press, Baltimare U.S. 1910]

Leacock S. Humour : Its Theory and Technique’, [Dodd, Mead & Comp. New York, 1935]

Kazin K. Bright Book of Life : American Novelists and Storytellers from Hemingway to Mailer’, [University of Notre Dame Press, Indianna, 1981]

Bellow S. Humboldt’s Gift’, [Viking, New York, 1975]

Signund Frend, ‘Jokes and their Relation to Unconscious’, Translated by James Strachey & Anna Freud, [Hogarth, London, 1905]

Bergson H. Laughter : An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic’, Translated by C. Brereton & F. Rothwell, [Mac Millan, New York, 1914]

Riley EC. Don Quijote’, [O.U.P. London, 1999]

Bellow S. Humboldt’s Gift’, [Viking, New York, 1975]



How to Cite

Sinha, A. (2019). Saul Bellow as a Humorist with Special Reference to ‘Humboldt’s Gift’. Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication, 6(4), 36-39. Retrieved from