Rational Assessment of Maintenance Needs based on Rural Road Condition
Rural roads, Maintenance Assessment, Maintenance Activity, Road NetworkAbstract
Deterioration of rural road pavement is the process by which distresses develop in pavement under the combined effects of traffic loading and environmental conditions. Deterioration of pavement greatly affects serviceability safety, and riding quality of the road. After construction, roads deteriorate with age as a result of use and therefore they need to be maintained to ensure that the requirements for safety, efficiency and durability are satisfied. Normally, new paved roads deteriorate very slowly in the first ten to fifteen years of their life, and then go on to deteriorate much more rapidly unless timely maintenance is undertaken. Recently huge rural road network created in various schemes like PMGSY in India has resulted in increased social and economic benefits all around. However, these benefits would reduce substantially due to poor maintenance of these created assets. Thus, in order to reap the benefits of created assets it is essential to maintain the rural road network. Therefore, this study highlights some basic issues for assessment of maintenance need of rural roads. This study also identifies the rational uses of limited resources available for maintenance, strategies to provide required level of funding, strategies to strengthen the institutional measures and strategies for developing data base for assessment of maintenance need for rural road network in India. A hierarchical structure is also develop that can be used for maintenance assessment to rural roads network.
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