Santa Fe Trail Problem


  • Parneet Aulakh
  • Sarvesh Chopra Assistant Professor: CSE/IT, CT Institute of Engineering Management and Technology Jalandhar, India


Santa Fe Trail, Evolutionary Computing etc


The Santa Fe Ant problem is conventional ideal problems that have been studied over the past two decades and is still being rigorously researched. Santa Fe Trail ant problem is well known for its reputation of being “hard” due to evolutionary computing methods not solving it at much higher effectiveness than random search. According to programmed set of instructions artificial ants search for food pallets in Santa Fe Trail. Various evolutionary algorithms have been implemented on this problem in these papers, which depicts various factors that are necessary to consider, while solving Santa Fe Trail using grammatical evolution. Algorithms such as Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm (SOMA), Simulating Annealing, Differential Evolution, Roulette Wheel, Monte Carlo, CGE, Novelty-based algorithms etc. These algorithms have been studied and their performance to solve Santa Fe Trail ant problem has been compared.


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