Deep Learning in Bioinformatics Applications
Deep Learning Mechanisam (CA) is a computing model which provides a good platform for performing complex computations with the available local information. In recent years, Deep Learning Mechanisam (DLM) study as a potential modeling tool has gained importance. Some researchers and scientists have used DLM in image processing, data compression, pattern recognition, encryption, VLSI design and language recognition. This paper depits the importance of DLM on the applications of bioinformatics.
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4. Sree Pk, Babu IR et al. A Novel Protein Coding Region Identifying Tool using Cellular Automata Classifier with Trust-Region Method and Parallel Scan Algorithm (NPCRITCACA). International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry (IJBB) December 2008; 4(2) 177-189.
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6. Sree Pk, Babu IR et al. Face Detection from still and Video Images using Unsupervised Cellular Automata with K means clustering algorithm. ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP) 2008; 8(2): 1-7. ISSN: 1687-398X.
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