A Case Study and Analysis on Trends and Challenges of Internet of Things (IoT)


  • Navneet Gupta Assistant Professor
  • Diksha Gupta


Internet of Things, Wireless Network, Radio Frequency Identification, Challenges


Now a day’s Internet of things is hot topic and fast growing field. IoT is a
sort of “widespread global neural network” in the cloud which attaches
various things. The IoT is perceptively associated devices and systems
which included of smart machines interrelating and collaborating with
additional machineries, atmospheres, objects and infrastructures and
the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor network skills
will rise to meet this new challenge. In each and every organization to
send info about the people we use emails, website and notice boards
but in most of countries internet access is available for transferring
information to people via mobile devices and on systems which is
easier, fast and less cost through internet. The main aim of this paper
gives detailed analysis of various trends, top 10 projects and contests
of IoT. This paper helps to researchers who want to do research in the
field of Internet of Things.

Author Biography

Navneet Gupta, Assistant Professor

Department of Ec Arya Institute
of Enginerring and Technology


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