Secure Information Transfer using Blockchain Architecture
Exponential development in blockchain technology has been witnessed through the analysis of bitcoins and another important application called storj2, which involves the concept of a distributed cloud storage. A more efficient application would be to enable file sharing through the concept of Blockchain. This would help in reducing the two-step process of uploading a file to the cloud network or drive and downloading it from the same to a single-step process of just transferring it from a sender to a receiver in a Blockchain network. Even though there are several applications that provide file sharing, it cannot match the one that is based on Blockchain technology in terms of security. Our aim is to enable a secured file sharing application by using a private Blockchain network so that it can be used within small organizations. Here the data is sent by encrypting the file, thereby making sure that none other than the receiver can gain access to the file.
How to cite this article:
Ray S, Bhattacharya A. Secure Information Transfer using Blockchain Architecture. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(2): 55-58.
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