Client-Side Pagination for Large Dataset
pagination, client-side pagination, dynamic pagination, pagination for large data, scalable paginationAbstract
This work attempts to provide a solution to address the challenges in fetch and represent of large set of records at client-side application. In general user interfaces represent search results in paginated data tables and use just-in-time asynchronous calls to service end points to get the page content. There are several alternative or complementary practices to support client-side pagination, e.g. Indexing of data through specialized indexing tools, cache systems, leveraging suitable algorithms for optimized data retrieval from storage etc. A well-crafted strategy for service calls and management of client-side resources, is essential for achieving reasonable system performance and user experience.
How to cite this article:
Bagchi S. Client-Side Pagination for Large Dataset. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(2): 8-12.
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