A Novel Aspect of Security Trade-Offs in Image Files
This paper is a contribution to the ongoing research in the design of security aspects of an image file and important field used to protect the confidentiality of data in the disk. In this paper, we focus on Cipher block chaining as this technique appear to offer the best combination of security and performance. In this paper, we highlight the research to date in the area of security of an image file and propose a novel narrow- block disk encryption mode of operation with compression of data first. This is the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode using Xor-Encrypt-Xor (XEX) to inherit from its security and high performance and use CBC like operations to gain the error propagation property. Here we use “LZW 15-bit Variable Rate Encoder” for the compression of image. We also apply multiplication and exponential in the finite field GF (2128). Here we use Cipher image Stealing when data size is not multiple of 16 bytes. Our hope is to generate an image file scheme that will provide high throughput, faster, memory saving and better resistant to the attacks.
How to cite this article:
Rout R, Gountia D, Samal N et al. A Novel Aspect of Security Trade-Offs in Image Files. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(2): 92-97.
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