Coordination Model for Cross-Organizational Business Process
The mixing of business processes like procurement, finance, human resources and manufacturing in a typical cross-organizational platform is a challenging task. Business process coordination attempts to support the collaboration between different business processes, distributed over different enterprises. In order to coordinate the business processes of different organizations, we need to efficiently integrate different organization’s workflows to provide customized servies. Cross-enterprise workflow which can streamline and coordinate business processes across organizations in dynamic Web environment provides a flexible solution. Dynamic web service composition can be achieved by adopting to Service oriented Cross-organizational Workflow (SCW) and Agent Based Architecture. Our purpose is to dynamically integrate the workflows and create a workflow execution community tailored to various workflow specifications. In our work, business processes are wrapped by service agents and each of the agent capability is used to serve a particular service request. In this model based on the customer’s requirement, the process agent contacts the service selection agents to find appropriate service agents and then negotiates with the service agents about task execution.
How to cite this article:
Panigrahi TP. Coordination Model for Cross-Organizational Business Process. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(2): 19-25.
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