Preventing Black Hole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol Using Dynamic Trust Handshake Based Malicious Behavior Detection
AODV, DTH-AODV, Dynamic Trust Handshake, Performance, ThroughputAbstract
Detection of black hole is a challenging task. Further, isolating such malicious nodes from communication is also a great challenge. Several previous works addresses trust based model for detection and prevention of malicious nodes. Trust based models will consume time to study the neighbor transmissions and will try to identify trustable nodes based on their data forwarding behavior. But this approach will need considerable quantity of time to identify malicious nodes by constantly monitoring the traffic of the neighbor nodes. Another drawback in this model is, false positives – that is, the standard trust based detection mechanisms may wrongly mark a trustable node as non-trustable node if that node, by chance, is not participating in communication even without any bad intention. In this work, the performance of the algorithm is increased using a Dynamic Trust Handshake based detection mechanism (DTH-AODV). Dynamic Trust Handshake based detection mechanism will detect the malicious nodes very quickly and efficiently in a short time military rescue like MANETSscenario without much increase in overhead. To prove its better working, a MANETSshort time communication scenario is simulated and the performance of standard AODV with and without black hole attack is measured using NS2.35 and compared it with Dynamic Packet Forwarding based Trust AODV (DTH-AODV) protocol in terms of different metrics like total number of packets sent received and dropped, throughput, EED, battery consumed etc. The proposed DTH-AODV will use a Dynamic Trust Handshake mechanism for the reliable detection of malicious behavior in MANET.
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Gupta B, Verma AK, Raheja LR. Preventing Black Hole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol Using. J Engr Desg Anal 2021; 4(1): 20-33.
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