A Survey on Different Deployment Schemes of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network
WSN, Localization of WSN Nodes, Node DeploymentAbstract
In years we all have noticed the arrival of (WSNs) i.e. wireless sensor networks as a latest information-collecting model, in which huge number of sensors distribute over the network area and pull out data of interests by evaluating real-world phenomena from the physical location. One of the leading issues in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is Localization. To route data from source to destination is the challenging tasks in wireless sensor network. From the sensor network area Sensors assemble data and surpass the assembled data to the base station. Lots of deployment methods are here by which one can improve both localization accuracy and localization success rates. The WSN operation is categorized as dynamic, static and energy aware node assignment. Different deployment algorithms of static, dynamic and energy aware protocols are studied in this paper.
How to cite this article:
Verma N, Chaddh R. A Survey on Different Deployment Schemes of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network. J Engr Desg Anal 2021; 4(1): 8-14.
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