A Review on Low Power Low Noise Amplifier
In this paper, we are reviewing a fully integrated electrostatic discharge (ESD)-protected low-noise amplifier (LNA) for low-power and narrowband applications using a cascade inductive source degeneration topology, designed and fabricated in 130-nm CMOS silicon-on-insulator technology. The different designed LNA was operated from a range of 11-dB to 15 db power gain at different frequencies. The Noise figure, input return loss, power consumption & protection level are the major parameter for analysis. An extensive survey of analytical models and experimental results reported in the literature is carried out to quantify the issue of excessive thermal noise for short-channel CMOS. Short channel effects such as channel-length modulation and velocity saturation effects are also accounted for in our optimization process.
How to cite this article:
Singh M, Kumar G. A Review on Low Power Low Noise Amplifier. J Engr Desg Anal 2021; 4(2): 1-5.
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