Design and Implementation of Novel Design Methodology for Securing the Internet of Things Applications
Register Transfer Level (RTL), FPGA-SOC, Simulation, Synthesis, Placement & Routing and Hardware ValidationAbstract
Typically, in the Internet of Things (IoT) yields objects are controlled and monitored remotely over a network. A standard IoT system includes various sensors that combine with microprocessors and other custom peripherals to perform their operations. Data collection and processing, computation, and finally communication these operations are involved to carry out IoT applications. Designer and user both demand these operations should be performed without any kind of unauthorized interference. As per the current trend, the way we have relied on technology, the way data exchange has started, it is not possible to rely on existing data security systems. It has become imperative to add a concrete solution to the existing infrastructure of security. Hardware security is attracted attention of researchers because of its importance in IoT applications, IP securities, and controlling counterfeit electronic devices. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF) is an innovative approach that provides security primitives and also will resist Integrated Circuit (IC) cloning and counterfeiting. PUF works on the principle of process variations present inside the hardware. PUFs carry capricious and event-specific values and can be used to provide hardware security. Nowadays IoT design has been implemented on the SoC platform. Here we have designed PUF on the SoC platform so that it will be helpful to IoT designs. The presented work will help in understanding the ROPUF design with respect to simulation, synthesis, placement and routing and hardware validation.
How to cite this article:
Kulkarni S, Vani RM, Hunagund PV. Design and Implementation of Novel Design Methodology
for Securing the Internet of Things Applications. J Engr Desg Anal 2021; 4(2): 6-11.
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