A Review on Artificial Intelligence Enabled B2B Invoice Management System
The basic idea behind this application is to manage the invoices for businesses. Now a days, managing the Accounts is becoming a very crucial part and is very important. So, we will hire an accountant or CA for managing the Accounts. That actually not good, because he requires each and every information related to accounts, access of the balance sheet,some sensitive details like OTPs, etc. for maintaining the account. So, after seeing such problems, we build a web application that replaces CA and managing your accounts by programming. And, it didn’t share any sensitive information to anyone and also not save the details on any server. This application uses the local Database, ie., HDD of your Laptop. That means, this application never breaks the privacy and trust of any user and shows the data in the form of Graphs and charts.
How to cite this article:
Chadha R, Kumar P, Sharma A et al. A Review on Artificial Intelligence Enabled B2B Invoice Management System. J Engr Desg Anal 2022; 5(1): 1-5.
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