Autonomous Landmine Detection Rover
Robot, Landmine detection Rover, Design, ManufactureAbstract
The landmine detecting robots are made to cover as much of the landmine field as they can in order to find landmines. A visual map is used to display the discovered landmines, as well as the scanned and unexplored area, with millimetre-level accuracy. To determine the precise location of the robot, an image processing technique is used, providing live reckoning feedback to the robot’s dead reckoning servo control. The sensor that is used to find landmines is a metal detector. The remote terminal computer’s graphical user interface gives the robot effective control. The approach is straightforward but effective and understandable to produce the desired results.
How to cite this article: Kumbhar BS, Kakade DS, Madake HA. Autonomous Landmine Detection Rover. J Engr Desg Anal 2022; 5(2): 1-10.
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