Efficient Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery: A Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Enhancement
Chi Square, Classification, Naïve Bayes, Prediction, Weather ForecastingAbstract
We Are Trusted For Our Services P2P delivery is proud to be the fastest growing Pick & Drop service providing company. Our focus area is to reduce day to day movement of people who are short on time. Our concept helps organizations, individuals and business persons in performing their pickup & drop related tasks through our “Taskers”. People can outsource their pickup & drop related tasks to our very own reliable and trusted “Taskers” nearby them with just a single click. P2P delivery is proud to be Most Trusted Delivery Services according to Google Ratings and deals in immediate pickup and delivery services. P2P delivery is known to provide these services with very hi-tech web and mobile app. technology. Currently we are operating in Delhi-Ncr and soon planning to launch Pan India.
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