Exploring Symbolic Meaning through Sentence Completion: A Novel Approach for Evaluation
symbolic, completion, comprehending, Approach, ProductionAbstract
The image and ideas that come to mind while thinking about a product are referred to as its symbolic meaning. Humans can use objects as symbols to convey meaning to others and to convey their own unique personalities. Our perceptions of and evaluations of products are greatly influenced by the meanings we give them. In this essay, we look into the evaluation of symbolic meaning. Symbolic meaning is difficult to develop because it is difficult to predict how other people will respond and because the designer and users may have different interpretations of a product. The ethereal character of the event makes it difficult to assess symbolic meaning. To assess designs and get user feedback on how they understand symbolic meanings, useful methodologies are required. To find the symbolic meanings that consumers associate with a product, we employed a sentence completion technique. We report early testing of the method using two case studies. The findings demonstrate that sentence completion can assist designers in better comprehending how people perceive their goods and how symbolic meanings might be honed.
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