Design of MIMO Antenna with Reflector-based Isolation Technique for mm-Wave Applications


  • R Ramprasad Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Vasavi Engineering College Tadepalligudem


Antenna, Isolation Technique, MIMO antenna, Reflector


This work is focused on mutual coupling reduction among the antenna ports at mm-wave frequencies, which are frequencies of interest for 5G communication. Initially, the design and simulation of a single-port T-shaped wideband antenna resonating at 26 GHz with a frequency range of 24-28 GHz have been presented for possible Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) applications. The single-port wideband antenna has been extended to four-ports, and a reflector approach has been utilized to lessen mutual coupling. This isolation strategy reduces the mutual coupling by 5 dB, which is verified through software simulations. The isolation enhancement is also verified using surface current distributions.


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