Innovative and unique generative design solution for the leg part of a robot using Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD software
Parametric modeling, generative design analysis, Autodesk Fusion 360, novel, CAD/CAM – computer aided design and computer-Aided manufacturingAbstract
Generative design is the innovative and novel feature of Fusion 360. As AI has become a common and compulsory tool in every search engine, the concept of generative design has also been for the designing software, to generate optimum models of designs. To showcase the concept above, in this paper four best outcomes of the generative design of the leg-2 have been discussed with tabular, pictorial, and graphical analysis. Leg-2 is the name given to the component of one of the glass cleaning robots. This paper will also show how a design is being optimized through multiple iterations, about the structural load and other constraints. For all four case studies/outcomes mass, stress and displacement analysis is presented graphically with respect to different types of materials. The results of these case studies are found within the critical yield strength values of respective material along with mass optimization through generative design analysis.
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