Magnetic Fuel Saver- A Modified Tool
Neodymium Boron Magnets, Curie temperature, Air fuel ratio, PolarizationAbstract
Magnetic Fuel Saver is a unique device which is an initiative toward increasing the efficiency of the traditional engines which work on petrol and diesel. This device also reduces the fuel consumption of an automobile and reduces emissions of a vehicle to a great extent. This initiative was taken by analyzing the current scenario of primary source of energy i.e. petroleum products (Petrol and Diesel specifically). Neodymium Boron magnets are just limited to refrigerators and other electronic instruments but the magnetic field produced by them is tremendously strong. If a group of Neodymium Boron magnets are clubbed together they can produce very strong magnetic field which is a necessary and sufficient condition to polarize the Petrol or Diesel which is used to propel vehicles. The magnetic field can be transferred from the magnets to the brass tubes in which the fuel is passing. This device also replaces the traditional plastic fuel lines which is also a step towards a clean and green environment. Moreover this device is maintenance free and needs to be installed in an automobile only once.
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