A Simple Approach for Design and Fabrication of Wilkinson Power Divider on Microstrip Line
Power Divider, Microstrip, Wilkinson, Pcaad, CorelDraw, MicrowaveAbstract
This article deals with the design and fabrication of 1:2 Wilkinson power divider on microwave laminate for DC-10 GHz application. The design is realized on a high quality RT/ duroid laminate having the dielectric constant as 2.33 and strip thickness as 0.787 mm. The relevant design specifications, simulation, and the test results are described. The numerical calculations and simulations are performed in Personal Computer Aided Antenna Design (PCAAD) software and the artwork for fabrication is prepared in CorelDraw. A prototype of the design is fabricated and tested on the network analyzer. Some offsets are observed between the theoretical and practical results, which may be attributed to the wide tolerance in the dielectric permittivity specified for the RT/ duroid substrate.
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