IOT-based Electric Energy Monitoring Smart Energy Meter
Smart Meter, Internet of Things (IoT), Power Reliability, Electrical EnergyAbstract
Electricity is a paid service and must be used with caution. To save energy and to meet the requirement of all the consumers, there are continuous improvements in communication technology and information. The consumers nowadays are very particular about bills, timely data and better services. In this paper, the researchers advanced the idea of the Arduino UNO board and Internet of Things (IoT) system with Wi-Fi for controlling the consumption of electricity. According to this concept there would be no human interference in the maintenance of electricity. The prototype provides data about the Electrical Energy Meter (EMM) using Internet of Things (IoT) which is highly precise and consistent.
How to cite this article: Saleh F, Kaur S, Kaur J. IOT-based Electric Energy Monitoring Smart Energy Meter. J Engr Desg Anal 2019; 2(2): 7-9.
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