Optimum Design of a Spring-Loaded Linkage Mechanism in the Presence of Friction for Static Balancing
Static balancing, Friction, Spring-loaded mechanism, Optimum designAbstract
The influence of friction in a spring-assisted automotive hood mechanism in the presence of joint friction, is investigated. The objective is to optimally introduce joint friction to keep the hood opened in static equilibrium over a wide range of positions. Several criteria have been investigated to optimally determine the spring parameters, their attachment points as well as the friction at the joints, while minimizing the opening and closing force of the hood.
How to cite this article: Denizhan O, Chew M. Optimum Design of a Spring-Loaded Linkage Mechanism in the Presence of Friction for Static Balancing. J Engr Desg Anal 2019; 2(1): 5-11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2582.5607.201901
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