A Brief Review on Parameters Effectuating Welding Characteristics of Joints Prepared using MIG Welding
The selection and management of input process parameters is a frequent problem for metal inert gas (MIG) welding during the welding of mild steel, which also affects the weld quality. Across different sectors, such as automotive, aerospace and various other industries, MIG welding is widely applicable. Through the careful selection of the input welding parameters, the weld linkages can be optimized and the reliability of the joint formed further improves This paper looks briefly at the various types of studies carried out by various researchers considering significant input process parameters which affect the response outputs obtained on basis of weld quality, mechanical and metallurgical properties. Herein, the experimental studies reviewed have exhibited that the most effective parameter for optimizing weld qualities are the voltage applied, current, speed of welding and wire-feed speed.
How to cite this article: Sharma A, Chand M. A Brief Review on Parameters Effectuating Welding Characteristics of Joints Prepared using MIG Welding. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(1): 22-26.
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