Parameters Effectuating Machining Characteristics of Plasma Arc Cutting: A Brief Review
The selection and management of input process parameters is a frequent problem for Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) during the cutting of mild steel, which affects the material removal rate. In various industrial sectors, PAC is widely applicable for carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, etc. In the current paper, a comprehensive review was carried out on developments in this process in context to the selection of the most effective input parameters which affect the production rate and MRR. Herein, the experimental studies reviewed have exhibited that the most effective parameter for optimization in PAC is cutting speed, kerf width, and stand-off distance.
How to cite this article: Kumar A, Chand M. Parameters Effectuating Machining Characteristics of Plasma Arc Cutting: A Brief Review. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(1): 31-34.
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