Modelling and Analysis of Modern Grid based on Disasters
As unpredicted, large-scale, and out of control events, natural disasters can cause overwhelming costs to a society’s infrastructure. The possible interruption in electric service is not simply a matter of inconvenience since in our modern societies this could disrupt many services our everyday lives depend on. Any trouble in critical municipal infrastructures
such as water cleanliness and sewage plants, hospitals and emergency services, telecommunication networks, and police stations will add to the damage and distress during the event, and may severely hinder any post-disaster recovery efforts. The purpose of this paper is to provide a mathematical framework for the study of the interaction between
natural hazards and the power grid. The outcome of this study can be used in any mitigation technique during the design or operation stages. Recent natural disasters have created growing considerations concerning power offer availableness and raised doubts about the potential of typical power grids to sustain procedure thus very important social services.
How to cite this article: Dar AH, Kour K. Modelling and Analysis of Modern Grid based on Disasters. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(1): 17-21.
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