A Novel Approach for Hybrid Automatic Fault Detection and Location System for Transmission Lines
FT, FDI, GSM, GPS, IED, Lab-DER, PIC, ST, WTAbstract
A fault in transmission lines is a general problem rising due to a number of factors like wind, heavy snowfall, and rainfall etc. The paper presents a smart error detection and location system that is developed to effectively and perfectly specify and establish the precise spot where the fault has occurred. The system is developed using the Microcontroller programming concept and ensure an intelligent fault detection system to shorter to answer time for technological staff to identify and fix these faults. The advantage of the system is that it repeatedly detects faults, analysis, and categorizes these faults and then calculates the accurate error space from the grid station.
How to cite this article: Jan S, Khaira KS. A Novel Approach for Hybrid Automatic Fault Detection and Location System for Transmission Lines. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(1): 1-6.
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