Development of IoT Primarily Predicated Observance System for Home Quarantine Person throughout COVID-19
COVID-19, a widely spread virus, which was originated in the Wuhan, has become a matter of inconvenience for the world by taking its rage form. As a superior cure over the further spreading of the infection, considering its ability to get spread quickly by human contact and not demonstrating manifestations inside a substantial time, authorities of various nations,
particularly India, have pronounced lockdown throughout the nation, to accomplish social distancing. But due to multiple reasons HomeQuarantine people that are not allowed to go out of their houses still peregrinating in the society allowing the virus to spread further
due to increasing social contacts. Thinking about every one of these components, and IoT based system that can be implemented to achieve social distancing. IoT being an emerging technology, using it is smarter and safer than traditional ones is demonstrated. Through this paper, an IoT based model comprising of least number of parts in particular ESP32 modules and a GPS module is proposed which can be executed to follow the specific area of the Home-Quarantined persistence. Likewise, an application to be specific Fight COVID-19 is built, through which all the data of the patient is gathered, for example, his subtleties, symptoms, etc. and spared to the primary server. The doctors can analyze it and make the necessary moves required to be made. It will reduce the efforts of collecting data of the individuals which makes the system more productive.
How to cite this article: Dayma RS, Bapat SS, Bhagate AK et al. Development of IoT Primarily Predicated Observance System for Home Quarantine Person throughout COVID-19. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(2): 1-5.
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