A Study on the Microgrid Controller
Micro-grid, Modes of Micro-grid, Micro-grid Control, Photovoltaic.Abstract
Several renewable energy sources available to generate electricity at present and many of them are known too such as solar, wind, fuel cell, geothermal, biomass, etc. Some of the techniques are new and there controlling is not so developed still a lot of work to perform in this field. The microgrid is a combination of such renewable energy sources and local area loads. The electronic inverters are used to control the performance of a micro-grid. The Micro-grid can be connected and disconnected to the grid according to our requirements for transmitting or receiving power.
How to cite this article: Ojha A. A Study on the Microgrid Controller. J Engr Desg Anal 2020; 3(1): 27-30.
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