Emerging Trends in Thermodynamics: Applications and Future Directions


  • Avantika Negi


Thermodynamics, Renewable Energy, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Ethical Considerations


Thermodynamics, a fundamental pillar of scientific inquiry, manifests as a catalyst shaping transformative innovations across an array of disciplines. This comprehensive review traverses the dynamic landscape of emerging trends in thermodynamics, unraveling their diverse applications and forecasting future trajectories within this evolving field.
Spanning from renewable energy systems to materials science, biomedical engineering, and ethical considerations, this review navigates the intersections where thermodynamics propels innovation. It delves into renewable energy technologies, elucidating how thermodynamic principles drive sustainable energy solutions from solar, wind, geothermal, and bioenergy sources, juxtaposed with the ecological and equitable access challenges they pose.
Materials science, guided by thermodynamics, showcases precision in material design, characterization, and the pursuit of sustainable materials. The convergence of thermodynamics and biomedical engineering yields transformative medical devices, tissue engineering innovations, and thermal therapies, while ethical dilemmas of equitable access, privacy, biases in AI, and societal impact accompany these advancements.
Within this tapestry of innovation, ethical considerations loom large, demanding conscientious evaluations. Addressing global disparities, mitigating environmental footprints, ensuring ethical AI, safeguarding data privacy, and fostering societal resilience amidst technological disruptions emerge as imperatives.


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