Numerical Simulation Studies about the Resonance of Tsunami Waves in Selected Gulfs and Ports along the South West Coast of India (SWCI)



The tsunami of December 26, 2004 was an eye-opener which exposed the need for establishing a tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean. Immediately after the tsunami of 2004, Government of India subsequently established a Tsunami Warning Centre in Hyderabad. The numerical modelling of tsunami inundation and run-up also gained momentum in India. Besides inundation and run-up there are several other physical oceanographic processes which contributes in shaping tsunami characteristics along the coast. The source of tsunami generation is prominent in determining run-up values. Historical records show the generation of tsunamigenic earthquakes from Sumatra, North Andaman and Car Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal and Makran in the Arabian Sea. Though the numerical modelling studies has been reasonably carried out for the main land coast, no study has been exclusively carried out for understanding the amplification pattern occurring in gulfs and ports in the Arabian sea. Tsunami waves entering the ports and gulfs can lead to different amplification patterns. At this juncture, this paper investigates the pattern of amplification occurring along four representative sectors along the west coast namely Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Khambhat, Mangalore port and Cochin inlet. The simulation results show trivial amplification in Gulf of Kutch and Gulf of Khambhat. The studies of numerical simulation suggest that the amplification factor depends on several other factors like orientation of the coast, coastal geometry of bays and gulfs, near shore bathymetry and depth inside gulfs and ports.

How to cite this article: Praveen SS. Numerical Simulation Studies about the Resonance of Tsunami Waves in Selected Gulfs and Ports along the South West Coast of India (SWCI). J Adv Res Appl Mech Compu Fluid Dyna 2020; 4(1): 1-5.



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