Comparing two Pouring System Processes of Sand Mold Design for Casting Recycled Aluminum Pots


  • Jean Bosco Samon Laboratory of Mechanic, Material and Photonic, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ENSAI, The University of Ngaoundere, PO Box 543 Ngaoundere-Cameroon.


The artisanal molding of recycled aluminum pots with green sand is a molding process based on the founder’s personal experience. Our study consists in proposing two alternative casting systems to the craftsmen of aluminum pots molding. This activity, based on the craftsman’s
subjective experience in sizing, affects the solidity and molding cost without a valid explanation. We illustrate two complete casting system processes using a pot shape to opt for one or the other casting system. The mold’s sizing mainly constitutes the pouring system (Pouring basin, sprue section, channel section, gating system section) and the feeding system (riser) elements. It appears that the casting from above is economically more viable than the bottom for small and regular section pots. However, it does not guarantee rigid pots and good qualities of mechanical properties, especially for irregularly shaped pots.

How to cite this article: Samon JB. Comparing two Pouring System Processes of Sand Mold Design for Casting Recycled Aluminum Pots. J Adv Res Mech Engi Tech 2021; 8(3&4): 1-12.


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How to Cite

Samon, J. B. (2022). Comparing two Pouring System Processes of Sand Mold Design for Casting Recycled Aluminum Pots. Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(3&4), 1-12. Retrieved from