Design of Automatic Paint Spraying Machine


  • Vigneshwar SA U.G. Student, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Padmaharinandan V U.G. Student, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Prabhu G U.G. Student, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Kavin S U.G. Student, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Saifur Rahaman A U.G. Student, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Sivaranjani A 7Assistant Professor (Sr.G), Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Sundar Ganesh Assistant Professor,Department of Robotics and Automation, PSG College of Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,


Paint Automation, Embedded Systems, Arduino Board, Pneumatic cylinder, soildworks


The objective of the paper is to automate the spray painting process of pump casings that is mass-produced in industries. At present two workers work in a single paint booth, one for handling the component while the other worker paints the component.In this proposed paper,the pump casings are cylindrical components which are painted while being rotated by a three phase induction motor. A pneumatic cylinder is used to lift the paint gun so that the paint is applied to the entire height of the pump casing. The paint gun is actuated by another pneumatic cylinder. The process is controlled by ATmega16 microcontroller. An IR sensor placed at the top of the paint gun is used to detect if the pump casing is placed or not and to detect the upper limit of the pump casing so that the spray can be stopped when the paint gun reaches the top of the pump casing. The pneumatic cylinders are controlled using two electro-pneumatic solenoid valves, one for extension and the other for retraction. When the pump casing is placed, the paint spray starts and the paint gun is lifted. When the paint gun has reached the required height, the spray stops and the paint gun is lowered. Finally the pump casing is taken out. The paint spray system that can paint a cylindrical component with a maximum height of 30 cm and maximum diameter of 20 cm. A worker is needed only to handle the component, thereby reducing the number of workers per paint booth by one and also the time taken for painting is reduced


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How to Cite

SA, V., V, P., G, P., S, K., A, S. R., A, S., & Ganesh, S. (2019). Design of Automatic Paint Spraying Machine. Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 4(1&2), 17-22. Retrieved from

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