Opprtunities For Using Displacement Ventilation In Cool Stores
Food, cooling, displacement ventilation, computation fluid dynamic, energy, modelling, simulation.Abstract
The modern world relies for its food on an effective food handling chain or system. Cool stores or rooms form an integral component of food distribution system for storing fresh and processed food and maintaining their qualities for long period of time. Cool stores consume considerable amounts of energy for cooling and forcing air around the system. The cool air supply system in most of the existing cool stores consists of fan and coil system located in the upper level of the cool store. As a result poorly directed cool air is likely to result in non-uniform cooling of stored commodities and poor energy efficient. The way in which the cool stores are cooled has a significant effect on the energy performance. It was hypotheses that the displacement ventilation may increase the rate of cooling of food stuff and reduce the energy consumptions. In this work we review the advantages of displacement ventilation and tested this hypothesis by formulating a 2-D computational fluid dynamic model of air flow in a cool store. Respiring apples are used as a heat source for this analysis. The results of preliminary investigation indicate 24% less consumption of energy as compared to convention ventilation systems. Moreover better distribution of cool air and uniform cooling rates are observed across the cool store. However more detailed studies are required for potential benefits of displacement ventilation systems.
The modern world relies for its food on an effective food handling chain or system. Cool stores or rooms form an integral component of food distribution system for storing fresh and processed food and maintaining their qualities for long period of time. Cool stores consume considerable amounts of energy for cooling and forcing air around the system. The cool air supply system in most of the existing cool stores consists of fan and coil system located in the upper level of the cool store. As a result poorly directed cool air is likely to result in non-uniform cooling of stored commodities and poor energy efficient. The way in which the cool stores are cooled has a significant effect on the energy performance. It was hypotheses that the displacement ven
The modern world relies for its food on an effective food handling chain or system. Cool stores or rooms form an integral component of food distribution system for storing fresh and processed food and maintaining their qualities for long period of time. Cool stores consume considerable amounts of energy for cooling and forcing air around the system. The cool air supply system in most of the existing cool stores consists of fan and coil system located in the upper level of the cool store. As a result poorly directed cool air is likely to result in non-uniform cooling of stored commodities and poor energy efficient. The way in which the cool stores are cooled has a significant effect on the energy performance. It was hypotheses that the displacement ventilation may increase the rate of cooling of food stuff and reduce the energy consumptions. In this work we review the advantages of displacement ventilation and tested this hypothesis by formulating a 2-D computational fluid dynamic model of air flow in a cool store. Respiring apples are used as a heat source for this analysis. The results of preliminary investigation indicate 24% less consumption of energy as compared to convention ventilation systems. Moreover better distribution of cool air and uniform cooling rates are observed across the cool store. However more detailed studies are required for potential benefits of displacement ventilation systems.
tilation may increase the rate of cooling of food stuff and reduce the energy consumptions. In this work we review the advantages of displacement ventilation and tested this hypothesis by formulating a 2-D computational fluid dynamic model of air flow in a cool store. Respiring apples are used as a heat source for this analysis. The results of preliminary investigation indicate 24% less consumption of energy as compared to convention ventilation systems. Moreover better distribution of cool air and uniform cooling rates are observed across the cool store. However more detailed studies are required for potential benefits of displacement ventilation systems.
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(BRE)* Source: www.bre.co.uk/newsdetails.jsp?id=45 Viewed on 21/05/09
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