Quality Management (ISO 9000) in 3 Food and Construction Material SME’s at Indore-A Case Study
Quality, ISO-9000, Small scale, Medium scale.Abstract
Indore and areas around it like MHOW and Pithampur is house to many industries of different scale and option to employ quality management system per ISO 9000 series standard. It is a known fact that ISO 9000 provides various standardized norms to be followed by the industry in order to maintain the quality of the product, which in turn governs the competition between various manufacturing industries there around the city of Indore. Small and medium-scale industries generally term it difficult to fulfil the ISO 9000 norms, and assign it to various reasons. A study was, therefore, necessitated to know the importance of various quality programs used in any industry. A survey was conducted in these industries of Indore to find the quality maintenance programs that are being carried out there. The questionnaire method was followed for this research and the results are discussed through this article.
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