Unveiling the Future: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Trends in Additive Manufacturing and Its Impact on Industrial Engineering


  • Ashish Gujar Dept. of Computer Science, Krishna Engineering College, U.P


Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Industrial Engineering, Emerging Trends, Materials Science, Production Optimization, Product Design, Innovation


Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the landscape of industrial engineering in recent years. This review article delves into the emerging trends in AM technologies and their profound impact on various sectors of industrial engineering. From advancements in materials science to novel printing techniques, this article explores the transformative potential of AM in optimizing production processes, enhancing product design, and unlocking new opportunities for innovation. Through a thorough analysis of recent research and industry developments, this review aims to provide insights into the evolving role of AM in shaping the future of industrial engineering.


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