Assessing Job Satisfaction Parameters for Enhancing Performance: A Study on Knowledge Workers
Knowledge Workers, Enhancing Performance, Career Satisfaction, Commitment, Job Involvement, Reward System, Expectations, DifferentiationAbstract
The paper is positioned to identify the factors responsible for satisfaction and performance among knowledge workers, based on the information on factors affecting employee performance and methods used by institutes and colleges to motivate employees leading to satisfaction. Further, a cognitive model has been developed by the factors leading to satisfaction of knowledge workers. A structured questionnaire was adopted for collecting primary data amongst 192 knowledge workers working at various knowledge institutions in India. Knowledge workers included in the study are professors working in institutes and colleges. Questionnaire included items related to satisfaction, performance and demographic details of respondents. Further, confirmatory factor analysis has been used to measure factors leading to satisfaction and finally path analysis is done to validate the cognitive model. The study found that employee performance is dependent on career satisfaction, commitment, and job involvement. Methods used by institutions to motivate employees leading to satisfaction are found to be reward system, understanding of expectations, differentiation between knowledge workers and other staff, and managerial training. The findings of the paper suggest the implications for enhancing employee performance of the institutions, engaging knowledge workers in Delhi and NCR region and would suggest guidelines for stakeholders. The study paves way for further research on the subject in other hubs in India and other countries which have knowledge workers engaged in different institutions.
How to cite this article: Srivastava V, Thakur RR, Assessing Job Satisfaction Parameters for Enhancing Performance: A Study on Knowledge Workers. J Adv Res HR Organ Mqmt 2019; 6(1): 16-26
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