Leadership Style and Employee Engagement: Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in Employees of Nepali Commercial Banks
Leadership Style, Employee Engagement, Employee Commitment, Banking SectorAbstract
Employee engagement has captured the attention of managers and researchers. With its investigation, the researchers have found the phenomenon more complex than ever. The purpose of this study is to examine the direct relationships between Leadership style and Employee commitment mediated by Organizational commitment among employees in the private commercial banks of Nepal. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 200 employees working in three commercial banks, of which 181 questionnaires were used for further analysis. The Barron and Kenny (2004) regression analysis was conducted to test the hypotheses. Regression results showed a significant relationship between Leadership style & Employee engagement, Organizational commitment & Employee engagement and Leadership style & Organizational commitment. Likewise, Partial mediation was observed among Leadership style, Organizational commitment and Employee engagement. Implications and future direction of the findings of the research are discussed.
How to cite this article: Lama V, Pokhrel L. Leadership Style and Employee Engagement: Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in Employees of Nepali Commercial Banks. J Adv Res HR Organ Mqmt 2019; 6(1&2): 40-46.
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