Digital Literacy-Practice among Academicians: A study conducted in a B-School
Digital literacy, Information technology literacy, Information communication technology, research, Information, Teaching methodologyAbstract
Introduction of technology in Indian education system emerged comparatively late but given the accessibility to internet at affordable pricing it is creating a synergistic environment for the digital literacy among the educational framework. Today India is aspiring to be among the top education destination in the scenario of global education... adoption of technology in education system forms the strong premise for the same. Digital literacy is the awareness attitude and the ability of people to use various digital tools and techniques in their everyday life, professional work – space and for their personal growth and development. An individual’s ability to navigate in a digital environment, read, interpret and apply the information to create new knowledge form is being digitally literate. The paper aspires to explore the digital literacy and its penetration in the existing educational framework of a b-school in Mumbai, and its functioning by studying the digital literacy of their faculty members against various age groups and designations within the B-school.
How to cite this article: Tewari S, Bhattacharyya R. Digital Literacy- Practice among academicians: A study conducted in a B-School. J Adv Res HR Organ Mqmt 2018; 5(3): 1-8.
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