An In-Depth Analysis of Financial Markets, Investment Theories, and Banking: Pillars of Global Finance


  • Gaurav Yadav Yadav M.Com, EIILM University Sikkim.


Financial Pillars, Modern Portfolio Theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Risk Management, Liquidity Provision, Price Discovery


This comprehensive review delves into the intricate world of finance, focusing on the essential pillars of financial markets, investment theories, and banking. These foundational components of the global economy have evolved over centuries, adapting to technological innovations, regulatory changes, and shifting economic landscapes. Financial markets serve as the lifeblood of the global economy, facilitating the exchange of capital and assets. We trace their historical evolution from ancient marketplaces to modern stock and derivatives markets, exploring their vital functions in capital allocation, price discovery, risk management, and liquidity provision. Investment theories, including Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), guide investors in constructing portfolios, managing risk, and achieving financial objectives. We delve into the principles of these theories and their impact on investment strategies. Banks, as intermediaries between savers and borrowers, play a critical role in ensuring economic stability and growth. We examine the evolution of banking from ancient temples to modern digital banking and explore their functions in intermediation, payment services, risk management, and monetary policy implementation. The interplay between these financial pillars is complex and dynamic, influencing asset prices, investment strategies, and regulatory frameworks. We discuss how they interact, shaping the allocation of capital and the management of risk. In conclusion, this review sheds light on the interconnected nature of financial markets, investment theories, and banking, offering insights into their historical development and contemporary challenges. As we stand on the precipice of a technology-driven future, understanding these financial pillars is crucial for navigating the evolving landscape of global finance.


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How to Cite

Yadav, G. Y. (2023). An In-Depth Analysis of Financial Markets, Investment Theories, and Banking: Pillars of Global Finance. Journal of Advanced Research in Operational and Marketing Management, 6(1), 8-12. Retrieved from