Unlocking Economic Growth: A System Dynamics Perspective


  • Samiksha Verma Student, Department of Management, School of Management Sciences, Khushipur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Economic Growth, System Dynamics, Poverty Reduction, Job Creation, Living Standards, Government Policies


This review explores the profound impact of system dynamics on our understanding of economic development. Economic development is a multifaceted and dynamic process encompassing poverty reduction, human capital development, infrastructure improvement, innovation, environmental sustainability, and good governance. System dynamics, a methodology rooted in mathematical modeling and simulation, offers a comprehensive lens through which to analyze and navigate the intricate complexities of economic systems. The application of system dynamics in economic development is far-reaching. It aids policymakers in assessing the long-term repercussions of policy decisions, delving into regional disparities, ensuring environmental sustainability while promoting growth, evaluating financial stability, and addressing workforce development challenges. This holistic approach offers a profound understanding of the interconnections between various factors and feedback loops that govern economic development. System dynamics models enable scenario analysis, facilitating informed decision-making and iterative policy adjustments. Nevertheless, they come with challenges, such as data availability, model complexity, uncertainty, and the translation of model insights into actionable policies. Despite these challenges, system dynamics stands as a valuable tool to guide economic development strategies towards inclusivity, sustainability, and resilience. As nations continue to grapple with the complexities of fostering economic prosperity, the role of system dynamics in shaping policy decisions grows ever more significant.


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How to Cite

Verma, S. . (2023). Unlocking Economic Growth: A System Dynamics Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Operational and Marketing Management, 6(1), 16-18. Retrieved from https://adrjournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-OperationalMarketing-Mgt/article/view/1731