Technology for Recycling of Used Diapers Waste
Absorbent Polymer, Landfill, Composting, Incineration, and RecyclingAbstract
This paper objective is to disseminate knowledge about waste technology processing. An approach known as a review of the literature was used in the study. The influence and most recent innovation in resolving issues related to the production and disposal of dirty diapers are thoroughly discussed in this paper. Different technologies were emphasised, notably the safer and cleaner ones like composting and biodegradation to maximise recycling at a lower cost. Additionally, pyrolysis suggests a way to boost the effectiveness of the process of recycling soiled diapers. Finally, if the cost of a sequence of complex operations is less than the price of the finished product, recycling can be encouraged economically. The technology for recycling as a result becomes a key factor. Return on investment, overall costs, and environmental impact are things to consider while selecting a method. Recycling aims to reduce sewage treatment cost while producing final items of the highest calibre. Retrieval methods must have been created to be useful and eco-friendly in order to do this.
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